Mentoring Programs in Greater Greensboro

Looking for a mentoring program for your child or want to become a mentor? Check out programs available below. This listing is offered as a convenience; it is not all encompassing and does not imply endorsement of the programs included.

In establishing a provider network, the “Mentoring Matters Hub for Excellence”, the members are committed to following evidence based practices and are striving to meet high quality benchmark standards outlined in the National Mentoring Partnership’s “Elements of Effective Practices for Mentoring”.

Program NameProgram DescriptionWho is ServedAge
Crossroads: Pathways to Success, Inc.Crossroads mentoring program is aimed at helping males grades 8-12 get a job or get to college after high school. Every other Saturday for 24 weeks, Crossroads exposes students to unique experiences such as financial literacy, formal restaurant dining, college tours, effective writing and speech skills, and more.BoysGrades 8-12
Communities in Schools: African American Male Initiative AAMI)Provides African American and other boys the opportunity to participate in a life altering mentoring experience, both school and community based, beginning in the second grade and lasting through the senior year in high school. The project aims to provide a one-on-one relationship with a caring adult and enrichment activities designed to improve family and peer relationships, alcohol and drug prevention, and to address sexual behavior.Boys8-18; 2nd – 5th graders are eligible to enroll
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central PiedmontProvide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported 1-to-1 relationships that change their lives for the betterBoys/Girls6-13
Empowered Girls of North CarolinaEmpowered Girls of North Carolina has always focused on all girls ages 6 through 18. Our belief is that younger girls should receive positive leadership programming as well as middle and high school girls. Empowered Girls of North Carolina exists to empower girls to become responsible, self-reliant, confident girls with respect for self and others. Girls receiving these messages are more likely to stay in school, excel and become active, productive citizens in their respective communities.Girls6-18
Foster Grandparents ProgramProvides a way for volunteers age 55+ and over to stay active by serving children and youth in their communities. The Foster Grandparent program target pre-K-12 grade and tutors students in reading. Foster Grandparents are role models, mentors, and friends to children with exceptional needs.Pre-K - 12th graders
Teen Parent Mentor ProgramThis relationship-based, long term, comprehensive program matches teen mothers with volunteer adult female mentors who serve as guides and role models. The program assists teen mothers to deliver and raise healthy, school ready children while staying connected or getting reconnected with their own educational attainment. Teen moms are supported as they set goals for their own physical and emotional development, postpone subsequent pregnancies, and prosper as parents and people.13-19
NC African Services: Refugee Youth Empowerment ProgramOur Refugee Youth Empowerment Program (RYE) is designed to Educate, Empower and Involve
refugee youth, their parents and our communities to overcome barriers and succeed in higher
education. We assist our youth in course selection and encourage participation in high school
activities that lead to educational success. These activities include, but are not limited to cultural
enrichment activities, academic advancement, civic engagement, volunteerism, and
peer/professional mentorship.
Images Mentoring and EmpowermentImages Mentoring and Empowerment provides empowerment programs aimed at ending the cycle of poverty; to youth ages 6-18 years old and single parents from ages 14-24. Mentoring program serves to promote unity, confidence, renewed mindset, personal development, and skill buildingBoys and Girls 6-18
I Am A QueenI Am A Queen’s Mentoring Program is a year-round program dedicated to the growth and development of girls ages 10-18. Each girl participates in self-esteem and leadership training workshops that target keys areas in their adolescents such as money management, self-worth, healthy relationships, health and fitness, business etiquette and career planning. The participants in this program have access to business professionals and community leaders that facilitate workshops.Girls10-18
SHIELD Mentor ProgramFull range mentoring programs and services, providing the skills for success in leadership developmentBoys/Girls9-18