Results exceed United Way of Greater Greensboro’s goal to help 50 households leave poverty by the end of 2023, and supports Bold Goal to help 3,000 households by 2030
GREENSBORO, NC (February 28, 2023) – United Way of Greater Greensboro (UWGG) announced today its community-supported strategy of creating, connecting, and leading community partnerships that equip and empower people to leave poverty has resulted in 121 local households leaving poverty.
The results, which are made possible thanks to generous community investments and strategic partnerships, represent data collected between July 1, and December 30, 2022, and marks the first time UWGG has reported outcomes related to its community-inspired and developed Bold Goal that aims to help 3,000 households leave poverty by 2030.
Since announcing the Bold Goal on September 1, 2021, UWGG added new data tracking elements to its annual strategic partnership requirements and set pacing goals to help 50 households leave poverty by the end of 2023, 350 households by the end of 2024, and 1,000 households by the end of 2025.
UWGG has a single focus of ending local poverty. In addition to its nationally recognized Family Success Centers and innovative Guilford Success Network, UWGG’s strategy to end local poverty includes issuing annual Poverty Relieving and Poverty Ending Grants that fund an array of strategic partner programs across the community.
Poverty Relieving Grants support services that help people find and stay on pathways out of poverty through cradle-to-career supports and services for basic needs, access to healthcare, and financial stability. Poverty Ending Grants support services that offer clear ways for people to leave poverty by increasing their annual household income above the federal poverty threshold.
According to UWGG leadership, Bold Goal results are well ahead of pacing goals thanks to generous community support and UWGG’s funded strategic partnerships.
“These Bold Goal results are a direct reflection of our community partnerships coming together to support a strategy rooted in the belief that local children, adults, and families shouldn’t have to face the ongoing struggles of poverty. We are tremendously grateful for the support and excited about the future of the greater Greensboro community,” said Traci McLemore, Chief Community Impact Officer, UWGG.
More about the results:
The latest Bold Goal results represent the combined efforts of UWGG’s Poverty Ending Grant focused partnerships and include:
- Households with someone who gained employment that raised their household income above the federal poverty threshold.
- Households with someone who obtained permanent cash benefits that they were eligible for through the help of program services. These benefits are Social Security/Social Security Disability or Veterans benefits, allowing these individuals to have a regular source of income.
More about the Bold Goal:
How was it developed?
- For over a year UWGG worked with a diverse set of stakeholders representing multiple backgrounds, business, and community volunteer groups to develop the Bold Goal.
- Specifically, the goal incorporates the feedback gathered through:
- A communitywide survey completed by 1,200 people
- Community conversations about race and equity
- 70 Bold Goal committee volunteers
- Final focus group studies completed by 200 people.
Why 3,000 households?
- 3,000 was chosen as the target based on the number of households required to transition out of poverty to reduce greater Greensboro’s poverty rate of around 18.5% to match Guilford County’s overall poverty rate of around 16%.
- The metric of a household was chosen over the metric of a person (or people) so that progress can be measured using US Census and American Community Survey data.
- With an average household size of 2.37 people, achieving the goal would positively impact roughly 7,100 people living in poverty by 2030.
Why by the year 2030?
- Nine years from launch established a realistic timeframe for the Bold Goal to be achieved. It also complements UWGG’s strategic planning cycle, the 2030 Vision Plan for Downtown Greensboro and the City of Greensboro’s “GSO2040” plan.