A family of four (two adults and two kids) living in Guilford County is classified as living in poverty when the household makes a combined $24,600. That same family would have to make over $60,000 in order to afford basic needs without public or private assistance.
That’s a big gap. And filling it requires more than an education and higher paying job. That’s why we partnered with United Way of North Carolina to conduct a statewide study that shines the light on this often unknown struggle many families face.
NEW! 2020 Self-Sufficiency Standard Report for Guilford County
NEW! 2020 Self-Sufficiency Standard Report for North Carolina
Did you know? The Self-Sufficiency Standard Report for Guilford County shows the level of income families need to be economically self-sufficient depends both on family composition—the number of adults, the number of children, and the children’s ages—and where they live. Table 1 below illustrates how substantially the Standard varies by family type by showing the Standard for four different family configurations in Guilford County.

Guilford wages fall short, study says, and many families are close to ‘devastation’
United Ways across North Carolina release updated Self-Sufficiency Standard
The Barriers to Economic Mobility: A Report by Alexandra Leavitt, Northwestern University
Economic Security Pathways Report
Key Report Findings (Self-Sufficiency Standard for North Carolina 2017)
Do you know how much it takes to be self-sufficient in your county? – download this worksheet and enter what you think it costs for basics in your county and compare the data.